- There are two rounds to the game of craps called come-out and point.
- Initially in the come-out round two dice are rolled to establish a come-out score of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 called the point.
- Once the point is established the game is in the point round.
- The game remains in the point round until the point score or seven is rolled, and the game returns to the starting come-out round.
How To Play:
- Select the amount you want to wager by clicking on the chip of that denomination.
- A selected chip will be highlighted and raised.
- Once a wager is placed on PASS LINE or DON’T PASS BAR, ROLL, UNDO and CLEAR BETS buttons are enabled.
- The ROLL button will be enabled only if a bet is placed on PASS LINE or DON’T PASS.
- In the point round, once a come-out is rolled, the only play button available is ROLL.
- In the point round, more chips may be placed on valid bets.
- If more chips are placed, the UNDO and CLEAR BETS buttons become available.
- In the point round, CLEAR BETS clears all the bets except the PASS, DON’T PASS, COME, DON’T COME points. Once the point number or a 7 has been rolled, the game will end on the bets PASS LINE or DON’T PASS and the game returns to the come-out round.
- To remove bets for any given position, click on UNDO or CLEAR BETS button.
- Once a game round is completed DOUBLE, REPEAT BET, REPEAT AND ROLL are enabled. Click DOUBLE to place double of the previously placed bet amount. Click REPEAT BET to repeat the previously placed bet. Click REPEAT AND ROLL to repeat the previously placed bet and roll. The above actions will be considered only for the bets placed on PASS/Don’t Pass Bar and single roll bets.
- Your game balance is displayed at the bottom of the game screen.
- The game rules and pay outs are identical in both the real-money and play-money versions.
- Craps is played with two dice.
- Chips are used to place bets.
- Starting with the come-out round, the player can bet on PASS LINE or DON’T PASS BAR.
- After placing a PASS LINE or DON’T PASS BAR wager, the ROLL button is enabled.
- If the come-out roll total dice value is 7 or 11, called a natural, the game remains at the come-out round.
- If the come-out roll results in a total dice value of 2, 3, or 12, called craps, the game remains at the come-out round.
- If the total dice value is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 then a point is made for the respective number and marked with an ON puck. The game enters the point round and remains there until the dice are rolled with that point value or seven.
There are two types of bets, propositional bets and multi-roll bets.
Multi-roll Bets:
- Includes PASS LINE, Pass Odds, DON’T PASS BAR, Don’t Pass Odds, COME, Come Odds, DON’T COME BAR, Don’t Come Odds, Lose, Lay, Buy, Win, BIG 6, BIG 8, Hard 4, Hard, 6, Hard 8 and Hard 10.
- Multi-roll bets may remain unresolved until a certain result is rolled.
- To make a multi-roll bet, click on the desired location.
- PASS LINE, DON’T PASS BAR, BIG 6, BIG 8 are “ON” during the come-out roll.
- Pass Odds, Don’t Pass Odds, COME, Come Odds, DON’T COME BAR, Don’t Come Odds, Lose, Lay, Buy, Win, Hard 4, Hard, 6, Hard 8 and Hard 10 are “ON” during point roll.
Propositions Bets:
- Includes FIELD, C&E, Any Craps, Any SEVEN and Horn
- Propositional bets are resolved in one roll.
- To make a proposition bet, click on the desired location.
- Propositional Bets are ON during the come-out roll.
- Payout is 1:1 (even money). The payout 1:1 implies, if player places 1$ as bet and wins,1$ win + 1$ original bet which in total 2$ will be awarded to player.
- To make a PASS LINE bet, click on the PASS LINE area.
- PASS LINE bets must be placed during the come-out round.
- On the come-out roll, the PASS LINE bet is won with a roll of 7 or 11, and loses with a roll of 2, 3 or 12 (craps). Any other number becomes the point and establishes the point round (marked with the ON puck).
- In the point round, the PASS LINE bet is won with a repeat of the point value and lost if a 7 is rolled.
- The PASS LINE wager is a contract bet; it cannot be removed or reduced once the Point is established, and it remains until it wins or loses.
Don’t Pass Bar/Don't Pass:
- Payout is 1:1 (even money).
- To make a Don't Pass bet, click on the Don't Pass Bar section.
- The Don't Pass bet is the opposite of the Pass Line bet except rolling a 12 is a push (tie) and the bet is returned to the player.
- Don't Pass bets must be placed during the come-out round.
- On the come-out roll, 7 or 11 loses, 2 or 3 wins, 12 is a push. Any other number becomes "point" (marked with the ON puck).
- If the point is made, the Don't Pass bet wins with seven rolled before the Point is rolled, otherwise a roll of the point value loses the Don’t Pass bet.
- Don't Pass wager is a contract bet; it cannot be removed or reduced once the point is established, it remains until it wins or loses.
- Payout 1:1 (even money).
- COME bets are similar to Pass Line bets except they cannot be made on a come-out roll.
- 7 or 11 wins, 2, 3, 12 loses. Any other number becomes Come Point, indicated by moving the COME bet to the appropriate number square. To win the COME bet once the Come Point is established, the Come Point must be rolled before seven is rolled (7 out), otherwise rolling the seven loses the COME bet.
- To make a COME bet, click on the COME area.
- Once Come Point has been established the Come bet can`t be changed or removed until it wins or loses.
- More than one Come Point bet may be on the table awaiting resolution.
Don’t Come Bar/Don't Come:
- Don't Come bets payout 1:1 (even money).
- Don't Come bets are similar to Don't Pass bets except they cannot be made on a come-out roll.
- 7 or 11 loses, 2 or 3 wins, 12 is a push (tie). Any other number becomes the Don't Come Point, indicated by moving the bet to the appropriate number square.
- To win the Don't Come bet with a Don’t Come Point is established, 7 must be rolled before the Don't Come Point is made again.
- Once the Don't Come Point is made, rolling the Don’t Come Point value or seven settles the bet.
- To make a Don't Come bet, click on the table area marked Don't Come Bar.
- Once a Don’t Come Point has been established, it can`t be changed or removed until it wins or loses.
- More than one Don’t Come Point bet may be on the table awaiting resolution.
Odds Bet Overview:
- You can accompany your Pass Line, Don’t Pass, Come and Don’t Come bets with an Odds bet.
- The Odds bet is popular because it pays "true odds", refer to the paytable below.
Pass Line Odds:
- Pass Line Odds bet can only be made when there is a Pass Line bet and after the Point is established.
- Click on the empty area below the Pass Line to place Pass Line Odds bet. A chip representing your Pass Line Odds bet will be placed.
- Pass Line Odds bet can be increased, removed and decreased.
- Note: Pass Line Odds bets are valid until removed or resolved.
- The maximum possible Pass Line Odds bet is 3 times the Pass Line bet.
- Pass Line Odds bets are win or lose together with parent Pass Line bet.
Dice Total |
Pass Line Odds bets pay |
Max Bet Limit |
4 and 10 |
2:1 |
3 times of Pass Line |
5 and 9 |
3:2 |
3 times of Pass Line |
6 and 8 |
6:5 |
3 times of Pass Line |
Don’t Pass Odds Bet:
- Don’t Pass Odds Bet can only be made when a Don’t Pass Point is established after a Don’t Pass bet.
- Click on the Don’t Pass Odds field below the Don’t Pass bet.
- Don’t Pass Odds bet can be increased, removed and decreased.
- The maximum possible Don’t Pass Odds Bet is 3 times the Don’t Pass bet.
- Note: Don’t Pass Odds bets are valid until removed or resolved.
- Don’t Pass Odds bets are win or lose together with parent Don’t Pass bet.
Dice Total |
Don’t Pass Odds bets pay |
Max Bet Limit |
4 and 10 |
1:2 |
3 times of Don’t Pass Bet |
5 and 9 |
2:3 |
3 times of Don’t Pass Bet |
6 and 8 |
5:6 |
3 times of Don’t Pass Bet |
Come Odds:
- Come Odds bet can only be made when a Come Point is established after a Come bet.
- Click bottom right corner of the Come Point number to place Come Odds bet.
- Come Odds bet can be increased, removed and decreased.
- The maximum possible Come Odds bet is 3 times the Come bet.
- Note: Come Odds bets placed are valid until removed or resolved.
- Come Odds bets are win or lose together with parent Come bet
- They change state to “OFF” if “Pass/Don’t Pass” bets were played and resolved.
- But if there is ‘7’ in the next come-out roll then Come odds bets on all the numbers will be returned to player.
- If there is any ‘Come point number’ on the next come-out roll then odds bet on the Come point number is returned to player.
- If there is 2,3,11,12 on the next come out roll, they will remain in the “OFF” state.
- If any other point number is rolled, OFF pucks will be removed on the bet and the bets will become active.
Dice Total |
Come Odds bets pay |
Max Bet Limit |
4 and 10 |
2:1 |
3 times of Pass Line /Come Bet |
5 and 9 |
3:2 |
3 times of Pass Line /Come Bet |
6 and 8 |
6:5 |
3 times of Pass Line /Come Bet |
Don’t Come Odds Bet:
- Don’t Come Odds Bet can only be made when a Don’t Come Point is established after a Don’t Come bet.
- Click on the top left corner of Don’t Come Point number to place Don’t Come Odds bet.
- Don’t Come Odds bet can be increased, removed and decreased.
- The maximum possible Don’t Come Odds Bet is 3 times the Don’t Come bet.
- Note: Don’t Come Odds bets are valid until removed or resolved.
- Don’t Come Odds bets are win or lose together with parent Don’t Come bet.
- They change state to “OFF” if “Pass/Don’t Pass” bets were played and resolved,
- But if there is ‘7’ in the next come-out roll then Come odds bets on all the numbers will be returned to player.
- If there is any ‘Don’t Come point number’ on the next come-out roll then odds bet on the Don’t Come point number is returned to player.
- If there is 2,3,11,12 on the next come out roll, they will remain in the “OFF” state.
- If any other point number is rolled, OFF pucks will be removed on the bet and the bets will become active.
Dice Total |
Don’t Come Odds bets pay |
Max Bet Limit |
4 and 10 |
1:2 |
3 times of Don’t Pass/Don’t Come Bet |
5 and 9 |
2:3 |
3 times of Don’t Pass/Don’t Come Bet |
6 and 8 |
5:6 |
3 times of Don’t Pass/Don’t Come Bet |
Bets on selected numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 can be made using Win, Buy, Lose and Lay bets. Win and Buy are bets that the number is achieved before a 7. Lose and Lay are bets on the 7 occurring before the number.
- A Win bet on 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is that the selected number will be rolled before a 7.
- To make a Win bet, move the mouse below the selected number and click when the mouse-over Win Bet appears.
- This bet can be removed, decreased or increased in further rolls after placing.
- Win bets placed are valid until removed or resolved.
- When the player has a win on any WIN number, the game can be continued only after selecting either COLLECT or PRESS options.
- They change state to “OFF” if “Pass/Don’t Pass” bets were played and resolved.
- They will only be enabled in the next point round (only if 4,5,6,8,9,10 are rolled).
- They will remain in OFF state if 2,3,7,11,12 are rolled.
- If the Pass/Don’t Pass point with WIN bet are resolved at a time, the win amount for WIN bet will be added to player balance.
Dice Total |
Win Bet Payout |
4, 10 |
9:5 |
5, 9 |
7:5 |
6, 8 |
7:6 |
- A Lose bet on 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is that a 7 will be rolled before the selected number.
- To make a Lose bet, move the mouse above the selected number and click when the mouse-over Lose bet appears.
- This bet can be removed, decreased or increased in further rolls after placing.
- LOSE bets placed are valid until removed or resolved.
- They change state to “OFF” if “Pass/Don’t Pass” bets were played and resolved.
- They will only be enabled in the next point round (only if 4,5,6,8,9,10 are rolled).
- They will remain in OFF state if 2,3,7,11,12 are rolled.
Points |
Lose Bet Payout |
4, 10 |
5:11 |
5, 9 |
5:8 |
6, 8 |
4:5 |
- A Buy bet on 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is that the selected number will be rolled before a 7.
- To make a Buy bet, move the mouse below the selected number and click when the mouse-over Buy bet appears.
- This bet can be removed, decreased or increased in further rolls after placing.
- The BUY bet pays true odds less 5% of your winnings.
- Buy bets are paid at true odds, but a 5% commission is charged on the amount of the winning.
- Rounding to cents is applied before commission is deducted.
- They change state to “OFF” if “Pass/Don’t Pass” bets were played and resolved.
- They will only be enabled in the next point round (only if 4,5,6,8,9,10 are rolled).
- They will remain in OFF state if 2,3,7,11,12 are rolled.
Dice Total |
Buy Bet Payout |
4, 10 |
2 : 1 (commission 5% of win amount) |
5, 9 |
3 : 2 (commission 5% of win amount) |
6, 8 |
6 : 5 (commission 5% of win amount) |
- A Lay bet on 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is that a 7 will be rolled before the selected number.
- To make a Lay bet, move the mouse above the selected number and click when the mouse-over Lay Bet appears.
- This bet can be removed, decreased or increased in further rolls after placing.
- The LAY bet pays true odds less 5% of your winnings
- Lay bets are paid at true odds, but a 5% commission is charged on the amount of the winning.
- Rounding to cents is applied before commission is deducted.
- They change state to “OFF” if “Pass/Don’t Pass” bets were played and resolved.
- They will only be enabled in the next point round (only if 4,5,6,8,9,10 are rolled).
- They will remain in OFF state if 2,3,7,11,12 are rolled.
Dice Total |
Lay Bet Payout |
4, 10 |
1 : 2 (commission 5% of win amount) |
5, 9 |
2 : 3 (commission 5% of win amount) |
6, 8 |
5 : 6 (commission 5% of win amount) |
Big 6 and Big 8:
- Big 6 is a bet that 6 will occur before a 7.
- Big 8 is a bet that 8 will occur before a 7.
- To make a Big 6 or Big 8 bet, click on Big 6 or Big 8.
- Big 6 and Big 8 bets pay 1 to 1 (even money).
- Big 6 and Big 8 bets can be increased, reduced, and removed at any time.
- Big 6 and Big 8 bets are ON during the Come-out roll.
- FIELD is a propositional bet (single-roll) that the next roll will be a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12.
- To make a FIELD bet, click on FIELD.
Dice Total |
Field Bet Payout |
2 |
2:1 |
12 |
3:1 |
3, 4, 9, 10, 11 |
1:1 |
Hard Way:
Hard 6 – (3,3) and Hard 8 – (4,4) each pay 9:1
Hard 10 – (5,5) and Hard 4 – (2,2) each pay 7:1
- The hard ways are four numbers, which each have their own designated spot on the right side of the craps table. These numbers include the 4, 6, 8, and 10. The bets on 4 numbers can be placed at the same time by clicking on “ALL HARD PAYS”.
- A hard way win occurs when both dice show identical values. If you put money on hard 6, the 3,3 dice combination is the only way you can win on a hard 6, bet loses on 7 or any other combination that adds up to 6 (e.g.4+2; 5+1).
- “Hard Ways” are related to Multi-roll bets, and will be available for playing only after “Pass/Don`t Pass” wagers are played and point is established.
- They change state to “OFF” if “Pass/Don’t Pass” bets were played and resolved.
- They will only be enabled in the next point round (only if 4,5,6,8,9,10 are rolled).
- They will remain in OFF state if 2,3,7,11,12 are rolled.
- Hard Ways can be removed, decreased or increased in further rolls after placing.
- If player wins the Hard Way bet, the original bet stays on the same number for next roll and the remaining win amount will be credited to player balance. i.e., if player places 1$ bet on Hard Way 6 then 9:1 will be the payout which in total is 10$ win. In this win amount 9$ win be added to balance and original 1$ bet stays on the Hard Way 6 for next roll.
These bets can be placed at any time of the game and are resolved in one dice roll.
- Ace/Deuce – (1,2) and Yo – (5,6) each pays 15:1
- Snake eyes – (1,1) and Midnight – (6,6) each pays 30:1
- ANY SEVEN is a bet on rolling 7.
- ANY SEVEN pays 4:1
- Horn is a bet that involves betting on 1 unit each for 2, 3, 11 and 12 at the same time by placing bet on “HORN” for the next roll.
- The Horn bet can also be made by betting separately on each number on 2,3,11 and 12.
- The bet is actually four separate bets, and pays off depending on which number is actually rolled, minus three units for the other three losing bets.
- Horn bets can be placed at any time of the game and are resolved in one dice roll.
- Horn pays as follows:
Snake eyes – (1,1) and Midnight – (6,6) each pays 30:1 * ¼ of Bet amount.
Ace/Deuce – (1,2) and Yo – (5,6) each pays 15:1 * ¼ of Bet amount.
Any Craps:
- Won if the roll is 2, 3 or 12.
- Pays 7:1
E&C bet:
- A combined bet, a player is betting half their bet on craps (2, 3 or 12) and the other half on 11 (yo).
- Only one of the two bets can win.
- This bet can be made by hovering on C and E
Dice Total |
Payout |
2, 3, 12 |
7:1 |
11 |
15:1 |
“WIN”, “LOSE”, “BUY”, “LAY”, “Come Odds”, “Don’t Come Odds”, “Hard’ bets are enabled on the point rolls only, means, if Pass/Don’t Pass bets are resolved, then all these bets change the state to “OFF”, and will be enabled after next Pass/Don’t Pass bets are made and played.
All pays are rounded towards the most accurate accumulated return to player.
- ACROSS will be ON during the point round.
- Clicking on ACROSS places the WIN bet for the available numbers, except the number where Pass point or Don’t pass point is established.
- PRESS will be ON when we have win for WIN bet.
- Clicking PRESS places twice the previously placed WIN bet again on the same number for which the player won the WIN bet.
- COLLECT will be ON when we have win for WIN bet.
- Clicking COLLECT collects the amount won on the WIN bet.
The message area located at the top right of the game screen will assist you while the game is in progress.
Game Options:
- The Sound
can be turned on or off from the Hamburger menu
- Click on the settings
option from Hamburger menu to view the settings.
- SPEED: The speed of the dice can be selected in between NORMAL and TURBO modes.
- SPACE TO ROLL: By checking ON option, Spacebar key can be used to roll the dice.
- CHANGE BACKGROUND COLOR: The color of the background can be selected by checking the desired color from the provided options.
Bet |
Odds Paid |
House Edge |
House Edge Return to Player |
Pass / Come |
1:1 |
1.41% |
98.59% |
Don’t Pass / Don’t Come (Bar 12) |
1:1 |
1.36% |
98.64% |
Pass Odds / Come Odds |
2:1 on 4 or 10 |
0.00% |
100.00% |
Don’t Pass Odds / Don’t Come Odds |
1:2 on 7 to beat 4,10 |
0.00% |
100.00% |
11 (Yo) |
15:1 |
11.11% |
88.89% |
3 (Ace/Deuce) |
15:1 |
11.11% |
88.89% |
2 (Snake Eyes) |
30:1 |
13.89% |
86.11% |
12 (Midnight) |
30:1 |
13.89% |
86.11% |
C (Any Craps) |
7:1 |
11.11% |
88.89% |
E&C |
7:1 on craps |
11.11% |
88.89% |
4:1 |
16.67% |
83.33% |
Field |
1:1 on 3,4,9,10 or 11 |
2.78% |
97.22% |
Horn |
30:1 on 2 or 12 |
12.50% |
87.50% |
Hard 4, Hard 10 |
7:1 |
11.11% |
88.89% |
Hard 6, Hard 8 |
9:1 |
9.09% |
90.91% |
Big 6 |
1:1 |
9.09% |
90.91% |
Big 8 |
1:1 |
9.09% |
90.91% |
Win 4 / Win 10 |
9:5 |
6.67% |
93.33% |
Win 5 / Win 9 |
7:5 |
4.00% |
96.00% |
Win 6 / Win 8 |
7:6 |
1.52% |
98.48% |
Lose 4 / Lose 10 |
5:11 |
3.03% |
96.97% |
Lose 5 / Lose 9 |
5:8 |
2.50% |
97.50% |
Lose 6 / Lose 8 |
4:5 |
1.82% |
98.18% |
Buy 4 / Buy 10 |
2:1 less 5% commission |
3.33% |
96.67% |
Buy 5 / Buy 9 |
3:2 less 5% commission |
3.00% |
97.00% |
Buy 6 / Buy 8 |
6:5 less 5% commission |
2.73% |
97.27% |
Lay 4 / Lay 10 |
1:2 less 5% commission |
1.67% |
98.33% |
Lay 5 / Lay 9 |
2:3 less 5% commission |
2.00% |
98.00% |
Lay 6 / Lay 8 |
5:6 less 5% commission |
2.27% |
97.73% |
The probability of dice combinations determines the odds of the payout. The following chart shows the dice combinations needed to roll each number. The two and twelve are the hardest to roll since only one combination of dice is possible. The game of craps is built around the dice roll of seven, since it is the most easily rolled dice combination.
Dice Roll | Possible Dice Combinations |
2 | 1-1 |
3 | 1-2, 2-1 |
4 | 1-3, 2-2, 3-1 |
5 | 1-4, 2-3, 3-2, 4-1 |
6 | 1-5, 2-4, 3-3, 4-2, 5-1 |
7 | 1-6, 2-5, 3-4, 4-3, 5-2, 6-1 |
8 | 2-6, 3-5, 4-4, 5-3, 6-2 |
9 | 3-6, 4-5, 5-4, 6-3 |
10 | 4-6, 5-5, 6-4 |
11 | 5-6, 6-5 |
12 | 6-6 |
The theoretical return to player of this game ranges from 83.33% - 99.17% depending on the bet made.
- Malfunction voids all pays and plays.
Browser Panel Commands:
- Click on Rules to view game rules of the game.
- Click on History to view the logs of the games you've played.
- Click on the Deposit button to add funds to your account.
- Click on Real Money/Demo to switch between real-money or demo modes.
- The History functionality is applicable only for the real-money game play.
- I could not complete the game. What should I do?
- If you get disconnected from the Craps game just after all the inputs are given and there is no input required to continue the game, then the game is treated as complete and on re-login you can check the game details in game logs.
- If you are disconnected while the game is waiting for player input, you will be prompted to complete the game after logging back in. After completing the incomplete game, you can resume playing the game, or you can select another game of your choice.
- What should I do if the balance is low to place bet?
- Click on ‘Deposit’ button at bottom of the game screen and deposit.
- If you are still having problems, please contact our 24/7 Customer Care team.